Schedule Equipment Dispatch

Schedule Equipment Dispatch

Schedule Equipment Dispatch is a mechanism in the application to schedule a future control-based event for auto demand response execution or generator testing and automation.   To enable equipment for scheduling, the equipment must have a control point called Dispatch.  If you have equipment that you want to set up for Scheduling then contact us via email, for assistance.

How to schedule a future equipment dispatch 

  1. To access your list of equipment click on the site pin from the map or select the site from the site list.

  2. The application displays a list of equipment for the site along with any active alarms.  
  3. To view equipment detail, click on an equipment row.

  4. The application displays Equipment Live status and data. If there is a dispatch control listed then the application provides the ability to schedule equipment dispatch.  

  5. Click on the Schedule tab.

  6. The application displays Pending, Active and Historical (Last 24 Hours) Equipment Dispatches. To view scheduled equipment dispatches further in the past then select a different time period in the History Time Period field.

  7. To add a new schedule, click on the Add button.  

  8. Enter the Schedule Description.

  9. Select Immedidate to start engines immediatly after the save or select Future.
  10. For Future, enter a Start Date/Time or select it from the calendar and clock icons.   Note:  the start date/time must be a future date/time.

  11. Enter an End Date/Time or select it from the calendar and clock icons.  Note:  the end date/time cannot be prior to or equal to the start date/time.  The event duration cannot exceed 12 hours.

  12. If you have Analog Set-Points then enter the start value and end value you want the application to set them to.  
  13. Click Save.  

  14. The application adds the schedule and displays the scheduled event in the Pending Schedules section.  Pending schedules can be edited or canceled at any time.

  15. To view the configured Schedule Details, click on a row of the scheduled run and the application pops up the information to the screen.

  16. When the equipment dispatches then the pending schedule moves to the active schedules section. During the scheduled event, you can view the equipment activity in the Live Equipment Detail View.

  17. If you want to stop an active run then click on the Stop button.
  18. If you want to edit an active run end date/time then select the Edit button.

  19. When the equipment dispatch ends then the active schedule moves to the schedule history section with an Executed type.

How to edit a scheduled equipment dispatch

  1. While on the Schedule view, for a pending or active event click on the Edit icon in the Edit column.

  2. Select the new criteria for the event.  Note:  For all criteria for a pending event can be modified.  For an active event only the end date time can be modified.  

  3. Click Save.

  4. The application displays the newly selected criteria for the event.

How to cancel a scheduled equipment dispatch

  1. While on the Schedule view, click on the Cancel icon in the Cancel column.  

  2. The application displays a message.

  3. Click Ok.
  4. The application cancels the scheduled event and displays the cancellation in the schedule history.  

Things to note:

  1. The Schedule tab is only visible when Equipment has been configured with a Dispatch control point.
  2. Equipment setpoints can be configured to set analog values at the start and end of the event.
  3. Start Date/Time must be a future date/time.
  4. End Date/Time must be greater than the start date/time and the duration cannot exceed 12 hours.
  5. The time zone displayed is the configured site time zone.
  6. Different equipment at the same site can be scheduled to dispatch in parallel or overlapping times.

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