To receive login credentials, a User must be added to the Industrial Connetivity application by an Administrator. See
Add User for help.
To reset the password, open the app and skip to Step 4.
How to Login for the first time
- Once your account info has been added to the application, you will receive an email from for email verification.
- Click on the Confirm Email Address. Note: confirm the email address is only good for 5 days. Go to Step 4 to re-initiate an email.
- The application will open in your internet browser at the Log In screen.
- Enter your username (if blank).
- Click on the Don't remember your password?
- The application displays a reset password screen.
- Click on Send Email.
- The application displays a message: We've just sent you an email to reset your password.
- Go to your email and click on the "click here" link.
- The application opens a new browser tab with the Change Password screen.
- Create a password with these rules in mind.
- Enter the password again in, confirm your new password field.
- Click on the Reset password button.
- The application displays a password changed successful message.
- The application opens the login screen.
- Enter your email and newly created password.
- Click on the Continue button.
After successfully logging in the first time you will be presented with a Terms of Service agreement notification. You can review the terms of service by clicking on the hyperlink in the statement and the application will display the terms of service in a new browser tab. Upon returning to the statement click on the checkbox and then on the submit button to agree with the terms. After the acknowledgment is submitted then the application displays the Live Map.
Click on Accept to allow the application is use cookies to improve your experience and speed with the site.