Generator Alarm Descriptions

Generator Alarm Descriptions

Data Point Name Access Value Type Point Source Description
Amps A Read Only Analog Generator Controller (or meter if not present) Amps on leg A measured at the output of the generator.
Amps B Read Only Analog Generator Controller (or meter if not present) Amps on leg B measured at the output of the generator.
Amps C Read Only Analog Generator Controller (or meter if not present) Amps on leg C measured at the output of the generator.
Battery Charge Alarm Read Only Digital Generator Controller Engine battery charger has gone into alarm.  This is a warning alarm and could prevent the engine from running.
Battery Voltage Read Only Analog Generator Controller (blank if not present) Battery voltage in volts of the engine batteries.
Common Alarm Read Only Digital Generator Controller (hard-wired if not present) True if any alarm (warning or shutdown) is present on the engine.  If true, engine may not run when called up for dispatch.
Coolant Temp Read Only Analog Generator Controller (blank if not present) Engine coolant temperature of the engine in degrees F.
Emergency Stop Read Only Digital Generator Controller The Emergency stop button has been hit at the Generator.  This is a shutdown alarm, the Generator will not run until the button is released and alarm is cleared onsite.
Frequency Read Only Analog Generator Controller (or meter if not present) Voltage frequency measured at the output of the generator.
Fuel Level Read Only Analog Generator Controller (blank if not present) For diesel engines - Fuel level remaining of diesel belly tank.
High Battery Volts Read Only Digital Generator Controller High battery voltage is detected on the engine batteries.  Generator will run but further onsite investigation is needed.
High Engine Temp Read Only Digital Generator Controller Engine coolant temp has gone above the critical level.  This is a shutdown alarm, generator will not run until this is addressed onsite.
kVAR Read Only Analog Generator Controller (or meter if not present) Reactive power reading measured at the output of the generator.
kW Read Only Analog Generator Controller (or meter if not present) Real power reading measured at the outpute of the generator.
kWh Read Only Analog Generator Controller (or meter if not present) Total real power consumption measured at the output of the generator.
Low Battery Volts Read Only Digital Generator Controller Low battery voltage is detected on the engine batteries.  Generator will run but further onsite investigation is needed.
Low Coolant Level Read Only Digital Generator Controller Engine coolant level has gone below the critical level.  This is a shutdown alarm, generator will not run until this is addressed onsite.
Low Coolant Temp Read Only Digital Generator Controller Engine coolant temp has gone below the critical level.  This is a shutdown alarm, generator will not run until this is addressed onsite.
Not in Auto Read Only Digital Generator Controller (hard-wired if not present) True when engine is taken OUT of Auto and put into either the Manual or Off position.  If true, engine will not run as expected when called upon for dispatch. 
Oil Pressure Read Only Analog Generator Controller (blank if not present) Oil pressure of engine in psi.
Oil Pressure Low Read Only Digital Generator Controller Engine oil pressure has gone below the critical low level. This is a shutdown alarm, generator will not run until this is addressed.
Overcrank Read Only Digital Generator Controller Engine is attempting to start but is not able.  This is a shutdown alarm, generator will not run until this is addressed.
Overspeed Read Only Digital Generator Controller Engine speed has gone above expected operating parameters.  This is a shutdown alarm, generator will not run until this is addressed.
Power Factor Read Only Analog Generator Controller (or meter if not present) Power factor measured at the output of the generator.
Pre High Engine Temp Read Only Digital Generator Controller Engine coolant temp has gone above the warning level.  This is a warning alarm, generator will run but further site investigation is necessary.
Pre Low Oil Pressure Read Only Digital Generator Controller Low engine oil pressure is detected.  Generator will run but further onsite investgation is needed.
Running Read Only Digital Generator Controller (hard-wired if not present) True when engine is running.
Shutdown Alarm Read Only Digital Generator Controller Any shutdown alarm is present on the generator.  The engine will not run until addressed or cleared.
Supplying Load Read Only Digital Generator Controller (or meter if not present) Generator is providing standby power to the site.
Start Read/Write Digital Generator Controller (hard-wired if not present) Remotely start generator.
Volts AB Read Only Analog Generator Controller (or meter if not present) A to B line-to-line voltage reading at the output of the generator.
Volts BC Read Only Analog Generator Controller (or meter if not present) B to C line-to-line voltage reading at the output of the generator.
Volts CA Read Only Analog Generator Controller (or meter if not present) C to A line-to-line voltage reading at the output of the generator.
Warning Alarm Read Only Digital Generator Controller Any warning alarm is present on the generator.  The generator will run but further onsite investigation needs to be done.
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