Disable or Delete a User

Disable or Delete a User

There are two options to keep a user from logging into the application. 
  1. Disable the user if you want to grant them access again in the future. 
  2. Delete the user so that the user profile will no longer exist.

How to Disable a User

  1. Login as an Administrative User.
  2. Click on the Settings icon in the upper right-hand corner of the application and select User Permissions.

  3. Select the User in the Select User field.  
  4. Change the User from enabled to disabled by clicking on the radio button next to the Disabled field.
  5. Select the Save User button to save your changes.  

  6. When the user is disabled, a message will be displayed:  User was successfully saved.  
  7. To give the user access to the application again, return to the User Permissions screen and click on the Enabled option.
  8. Select the Save User button to save your changes.  

  9. When the user is enabled, a message will be displayed:  User was successfully saved.  

How to Delete a User

  1. Login as an Administrative User.
  2. Click on the Settings icon in the upper right-hand corner of the application and select User Permissions.

  3. Select the User in the Select User field.  
  4. Click on the Delete User button.

  5. The application will display a "Are you sure" message.  Select Delete User again.  IMPORTANT:  This can not be undone.

  6. When the user is deleted, a message will be displayed:  User was successfully deleted.  

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