Blue Pillar IIoT Platform 2021.06.24 Release

Blue Pillar IIoT Platform 2021.06.24 Release

Release Date:  June 25, 2021

New Features

We continue to work on the Site Groups which is the ability to group sites and group scheduling so that generators at those sites can be dispatched together on-demand or scheduled in the future.  More details about this feature will be made available when the full feature is released.
  • Group Summary Configuration Wizard
    • Create and edit tag data summaries for the group Live View tab via ADD/EDIT modal.
    • Update Group Summary Data ADD/EDIT modals to have text filter/search for available tags.
    • Update Group Summary Data ADD/EDIT modal to filter data aggregation based on datatype.
    • Added auto-navigation to Group Schedules SCHEDULE tab upon exit from the Group Summary Wizard.
  • Group Schedules Live tab
    • Lists configured Summary Data by Site
    • Provides aggregate Sum operation for analog data groups across all Sites.
    • Provides aggregate AND/OR operation for discrete data groups across all Sites.
    • Added yellow highlighting to any Site rows with missing data.
    • Added Site column sort and filter capability.
NOTE:  Table entries will be blank for Sites with no data for a given tag data group.

Defect Fixes

  • Adding a group schedule fails when site information cannot be retrieved correctly.
  • Using the number navigation on the group summary wizard now loads kendo grids properly.
  • Compliance report feature switch on/off issue.