Blue Pillar IIoT Platform 2021.05.13 Release
Release Date: May 14, 2021
- Changed pending/active Equipment Schedules grid to support
- For PENDING schedules, the User can edit the description, start date, and end
- For ACTIVE schedules, the User can edit the end date only
- Changed active Equipment Schedules grid to support STOP
- Changed schedule modal to allow for editing schedules during
different states
- (Technical) changed the model naming for the site group
selector on-site group page
- (Technical) ScheduleApiTokenAccessor uses cache to store
tokens to be reused for the entire lifespan
New Features
We continue to work on the Site Groups which is the ability to group sites so that generators at those sites can be dispatched together on-demand or scheduled in the future. More details about this feature will be made available when the full feature is released.
- Group Summary Configuration cogwheel (settings)
- Group Summary Controller and config stub page
- Group Summary Configuration wizard step 1 (expanding previous stub page)
- Group Schedules status page (Pending/Active/History views)
- Equipment Schedules STOP status for any active schedule that was stopped